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May 04, 2003 - 7:05 am

Ah, here we are, the first Homework Sunday of the semester. Yes, it WAS a nice break, wasn't it?

Nonetheless, it was preceded by a good weekend.

I traveled the long, long journey up to Martel's place in Mt. Pleasant (this was made a touch easier by Alan not calling Cameron or I to tell us WHERE his play was going to be, therefore absolving us of our obligation to go, and giving me a two hour headstart). When I got there, I met some of her friends, all of them being incredible people. We went to some bar in town but weren't able to stay, so we hit the oogiest club they had, the Wayside. Wow, that was an experience. Either way, shots were cheap and Martel and I drank Long Islands out of a pitcher w/two straws. We stayed until she started to feel sick, then promptly went home to falls asleep quickly.

The next day was a whole lotta sightseeing and such. I got a full tour of campus, and realized (as did Martel) that Mt. Pleasant isn't really THAT small. You see, my former theory was that god had squatted over Michigan, and out came Mt. Pleasant. Whoops..that was Clare, MI. Anyhow, it does have it's share of things, much more than one could expect in that area of the state. In spring, in fact, it's quite pretty.

After my uberlong drive home, I met up with Kyle and Cameron to eat at Bahama Breeze, where the pasta is tasty and the drinks are strong. Good times. They have mouthwasth in their bathrooms in a place you'd expect soap. Cameron and I were both fooled.

Anyhow, I slept in this morning. Did you? I hope so.



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