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February 09, 2004 - 2:51 pm

I bought a shirt today that says "I *heart* Michigan Vaginas" to support SAFEhouse, and because I thought it was funny. After I bought it, however, I realized that I can never, ever again complain when someone is under the impression that I'm a lesbian.

Maybe I should make a "I *heart* Michigan Cocks" shirt, too?

V-day is coming, and I don't know about you, but I gave up a long time ago on the far-off hope that I'd get up the balls to find a date in time for festivities. In fact, I've come to enjoy NOT having to deal with the big todo. Even when I was involved with someone at this time of the year, it was the time when the most disappointment was dished out and I would inevitably end up in a bad mood as a result of whatever.

Even Cameron's faithful annual chocolate and roses gifts didn't usually outweigh the fact that the rest of his gender seemed to have it in for me come the middle of February. Well, except for that one year when he made that card...ain't nobody gonna keep me down when I got a card like that. I still have it somewhere.

Wow, I realize now that I kind of sound bitter. Perhaps I should note that I'm sleep deprived...cuz I am. Sleep is for quitters, it seems, and if there's one thing I'm not, it's asleep.


This year I'm contemplating whether to make my usual array of candy and cards for people, or just accept the fact that I'm too damned busy. I have plans to celebrate singleness with Stacey and others who, like us, possess vaginas...but all of those stupid "people in love" are going to be crowding all of the good restaurants that night, so we'll probably end up with cheap champage, taco bell, and movies.

You know, that doesn't sound that bad after all...



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