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June 21, 2005 - 4:18 am

There are some things in life that are absolutely true: For everything else, there's whatmegantellsherself.

Things that ARE true: (1) "Growing Pains" had some awesomely named characters, particularly Stinky Sullivan and Richard "Boner" Stabone, (2) few things beat a boss that will release you from your shift for no other reason than your desire to watch Napoleon Dynamite at Top of the Park, (3) Wes Craven's Cursed was one of the worst movies I've seen in the last year, NAY, in forever, (4) even good CDs need a rest sometimes.

Whatmegantellsherself: (1) Completing one item on the todo list makes up for fumbling another, (2) eventually you can change your feelings about things through pure conviction, (3) writing everything down is step one to figure it out, (4) say what you will about procrastination, but it's responsible for making sure all the cool shit didn't happen years before we were born.

In other news: I finally turned in a full-fledged teaching application today. I was up until 5:30 last night/this morning, getting all of my shit together. I was scanning things, copying things, writing things, uploading things, downloading things, eating things, scratching things, and otherwise getting materials ready to show prospective employers. I have also decided to take a closer look before applying to just anthing. This basically means finding at least one really good thing about a position before putting forth the effort to apply. There must be something great about either the location, pay scale, or details of the courseload before I'm going to write another goddamned cover letter. So far, this means efforts towards Lincoln Consolidated, Hartland, and perhaps Troy in the next week. Of course, I'm still keeping my eye out for AA and Saline, but know fucking knows, right?

Random: I've come to notice that almost every entry lately has "in other news"...I guess I should just give in and admit that it's become protocol, eh?

Also, Nat and I grilled burgers today. Tasty, but between the asparagus, garlic, and the coffee I had before work, I am surprised more people didn't request a server that didn't stink to high heaven. What wants to line up for the kissing booth?

So, yeah, I'm still intoxicated by summer. The weather was nice today and so I didn't mind running all of my errands before work. In fact, I think I did a mighty fine job of getting a lot into only a few hours. Yay me.

I also declare 2005 the Year of Christian Bale. Good job, kiddo. Now go ahead and go do whatever Jude Law is doing now.



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