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December 06, 2002 - 9:38 am

I realized today that I missed out on the "WOOHOO! It's my 100th entry" entry. My 100th entry came by a while ago, in November, in fact. This is my 114th entry! WOOHOO!

So there.

Last night couldn't have been much better. When I got home I found Stacey in the kitchen (Where a roommate belongs!) making meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and vegetables. Usually, when she puts on her "cooking" shoes it means that Jeff is coming over for dinner, but I can have some too. Rock. What's better is that this time, Jeff wasn't coming over. She had merely started a big dinner for the three of us (she had anticipated Mike, though I don't know why, since she didn't bother to invite him. Maybe she's forgotten that he doesn't come by anymore. *shrug*) and it was goodness. Afterwards we ran around town in search of a likeable, affordable Christmas tree (our 2.5-ft fiberoptic job just wasn't going to do it this year-I wanted candy canes!). We went to K-mart (where Stacey was guilted out of her pocket change by the mere presence of a bell-ringer), Target (which does NOT, mind you, sell large stuffed lobsters, it seems), and finally Meijer (BINGO!). In the end, we came home fully armed with holiday cheer. Yay US!

Tonight Cameron's going to come over to help me throw the damned thing into shape. It will involve moving furniture, eating chinese food, and a lot of love. I believe we can do it.

Today is the very last day of the very last full week of classes. Next week will bring the end to classes, the beginning of exams, and most importantly, it will bring winter break just that much closer.



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