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February 07, 2004 - 11:10 am

This is ridiculous.

I've always been a fan of sleep, and enjoyed weekends when I could get as much of it as I desired and wake up without an alarm to tell me when. Usually this meant about 9 or so solid hours before I started tossing and turning to the point that sleeping was no longer an option.

Until I started taking this stupid medicine.

It's ruining my weekends. I'll set my alarm to wake me up after a good night's rest, and I'll turn it off thinking that I'll get up in a few minutes. Instead, I'll toss and turn but be unable to really wake myself up enough to drag my ass out of bed until something happens to really remind me that I need to wake up (e.g., I need to pee). Of course, this won't happen until I've slept in an extra two or three hours, meaning I've wasted half of my weekend in bed.

Also, during the week, if I get anything less than 9 hours, I'm tired all day, which fucks up my days. My productivity is shot for the most part, and all I want to do is hybernate until spring.

So yeah...that's my thoughts on that.

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