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October 15, 2002 - 2:42 pm

So, today I was all alone at work because a)I went in pretty early, and b) I was all alone for hours and I took a nap. I've done this a few times in the course of my career here at SSDAN...not too uncommon, especially in the summer of 2001...but instead of 10 minutes of half sleeping, I dropped 2 hours. When I woke up I tried to stand and fell STRAIGHT the fuck over because, it happens, my right leg was completely asleep, so asleep I didn't realize it until I tried to stand. I R dumb.

Anyhow, in other news, They Might Be Giants are going to be at the Michigan Theater next Monday...GUESS WHO'S EXCITED! Yeah, me, you're right. I went and bought tickets today. Should be good times.

In other places around the world, people are bombing nightclubs (Yet Rick's is still standing...*sigh*) and some asshole is pecking off residents like flies. So says The New York Times in days of late...If it weren't for my crossword addiction, I'd be clueless.



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