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March 25, 2005 - 2:55 pm

There are a few reasons for this whole "Megan not updating" trend. Please, dear readers, do not seek your droll updates somewhere else. In time they will come.

Right now, however, I have a few forces working against me. First off, things are in a weird "not too much happening" state this week. There simply isn't much to right about, it seems, or at least I can't think of anything. Also, I'm busy as all git up. Thirdly, Diaryland was down for a little bit, which doesn't help. Fourthlyest, the wireless card on my laptop has gone screwtop and that's like 80% of my slacking interweb time, so what's a girl to do?

Anyhow, here's what I'm thinking about right fuckin' now: It's nice out. And the weather report makes it look like things are on the upswing, climate-wise. That makes me happy.

If any of you are bored tonight, Our Lady of Sunshine is singin' the blues at da club tonight. Cover is $10 and worth every penny. Lady Sunshine also makes me happy.

In other news, Steamboy didn't offer enough steamburns to make me happy, but explodiness made up for it. Also, we have no real food in my house. Hrm.



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