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March 08, 2005 - 12:30 am


Two things that do not work together: 1)This week is one of those week where I just happen to have more on my plate than usual in almost every area of my life, and 2)I am distracted beyond belief and am therefore not half as productive as I should be.

End result = Grrrrr.

On the other hand...sfw, mate. I care, but at the same time I don't. As strong as Anxious Megan is, Zen "It'll all work out in the end" Megan is equally tuff.

In other news, I have taken steps to ease my neurosis. Part of it is just plunging headfirst into things that have cheered me in the past, such as book shopping. Another part is my good fortune to be experiencing a good weather bubble in Michigan climate happenings. And last but not least, I'm entertaining possibilities for change and basically doing a lot of window shopping for features, none too big or small, of a (slightly) new life.

It's Megan Vs. Crazy, Round 6457! Let's get it on!



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