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June 20, 2003 - 10:43 am

Today's gonna be a long day.

But you know what makes it beautiful? I took my last final of the semester. Yes, kidds, that means I don't have to think about classes until TUESDAY! That also means that no matter how long my days are, when they're over I can go to sleep! SLEEP!

Open letter to the random guy who came in and stole from our breakfast setup at Amer's: You suck, sir. You stole our I could have had. You damned cheap bastard...It took every ounce of will I had not to tackle you around the ankles as you strutted out with your free coffee. If you had even THOUGHT about touching a muffin, I would have fucking cut you, y'hear?

Well, maybe not. still wasn't cool!

Later that day...Changed around my archives pages so it wouldn't take 2302 hours to reach the bottom...yeah, YOU'RE WELCOME!

Another thing I noticed...since I do absolutely NO revising before I post, I often end up with 1,000,001 mistakes making their way through. Often, they're typos or even omitted words, but sometimes I just type a word completely different than intended, and the result is sometimes amusing. Okay, well, not "amusing" per se, but...shut up!

One more thought: I dislike words you can spell more than one way correctly. Specifically, I hate the words "judgement/judgment" and "grey/gray." For all of you with an idea of which is right, which is wrong, the OED accepts them both, damnit, and without a clear judgEment on it, I ALWAYS feel wrong. So, without noticing it, I switch. Yeah, don't care, do you? It's alright. I'll shut up now.

And last but not least: I'm hopping out of work before 8 to catch a movie and dinner w/my friends. Yeah, I got friends, you hear that? Friends. Fuck all y'all bitches.



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