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June 30, 2003 - 2:26 pm

Sometimes I'm so goddamned witty my pants swell.

I read through ALL of my old entries today, searching for something I thought I'd written, but really didn't, I guess, since I never found it. What I did find, however, was that I'm fucking cool sometimes. But only sometimes.

Other things of note: Lauren's bridal shower helped me truly define the term "out of my element." It's my belief that tables were organized by possession of botox and riches, our table owning neither, while the one next to us owned so very much.

Also...Kim temporarily emerged from her shell. It was nice.

I think I'm burnt out on this whole "work" business. Workshops done killed my will to be here. Unfortunately, I'll be using up all of my overtime this week, so I'll actually have to be here more. Last week, with it's early-ending days, was very nice, and this week offers the 4th, which should be equally enjoyable.

I dislike this empty office quite a bit right now. Wish I had stuff to do from the Fishbowl or something. *shakes fist*

And I'm off!...



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