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June 29, 2003 - 9:46 am

Went to Jayce and Adria's engagement party, saw some people I don't see much and all was well in Whoville. Stacey kept talking me up conspicuously, but I wrote it off as the aftereffect of a few drinks. Turns out, she was doing it because this chick who used to annoy me is also sleeping with my ex-boyfriend (with age comes wisdom, I say...I'm giving her until she turns 20) and therefore took my presence as a threat, I guess. Stacey, being the wonderful person she is, did everything she could to make this girl feel uncomfortable, which I might normally think petty, but fuck it-that's what she gets for being unreasonable. Anyhow, I appreciated the defense of my honor Stacey-style. It made for good giggles on the way home.

(temporary randomness)

Note to all: Zombie movies can only be SO good...28 Days Later? Yeah, only SO good. Dag, yo!

Brad's friend with the cute nerd glasses forgot to get a few haircuts, and now he looks like an extra in an emo band. Hilarity ensued.

I have that "What a Feeling" song from Flashdance in my head right now.

Oh yeah, and "I'm with Busey"? What the fuck?

(randomness complete)

I'd like to give myself a round of applause for being so damned productive yesterday. My original intention was to celebrate with a citrus-flavored malt beverage and some Law & Order, but some stupid movie with Michael J. Fox's wife was on instead, so I called up Jimmy and we made with the shenanigans. I realized that I haven't done any good drinkering for a few months, so Sean and I had a drunk race, and Jimmy powerslammed me, and we watched the Royal Tennenbaums, and all was good.

Now it's morning, and I don't know if I'm still drunk or just really sleepy.



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