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June 26, 2003 - 11:03 am

Sometimes I get all proud of myself when I realize what a trooper I'm being about this or that.

Since the moment I woke up, I have been in pain. My burn, like a parasite, is feeding off of me, thriving in some regions and dying off in others. The end result is pain when walking, moving my arms (this includes setting them at my sides), or wearing a bra (which is necessary today for other reasons). All in all, it hurts much more than it did yesterday or the day before, but at least it isn't making me physically ill, and that strange tingling has gone away.

In other news...

My lit professor has an eyepatch (*insert pirate joke here*) and a funny way of talking that I know will get me in trouble now and then when I burst into laughter during his lecture.

I made these rockin' blueberry muffins and I want to eat all of them RIGHT NOW.

And last but not least...I don't want to be here. It's true, I don't. I'm gonna crack away at my work, then go home. I'd rather be here for half a day than not at all, that's true, but damnit, I'm alone and bored and I don't NEED to be here all day.




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