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March 11, 2003 - 5:36 pm

So, yeah, Sean Connery Day�

We have achieved CULT STATUS!

Aim: by Sean Connery Day V, I intend to do one of the following:

  • Have such a turnout we have to rent a facility to host it in

  • sell tickets

  • write Sean Connery personally to inform him of this holiday

Anyhow, so�Yeah, turnout (even for a Monday night) was about double that of last year�s shenanigans. Also, shenanigans were much more interesting. Sean did a beautiful job of decorating, complete with a fuck of a lot of balloons, half of them filled with stuff, yay him. It was hours and hours of sheer delight!

Anyhow, workering has been a little hectic, with all this catching up to do. I�m gonna post my aftermath pictures (since all of the action shots turned out blurry as all hell) and such tomorrow.



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