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March 13, 2003 - 10:12 am


Sorry, just thought I'd get that out. On the way out of class today, Wicker started up a quick conversation with out European history professor, who ended up walking out of class and halfway through campus w/us, talking a about Fascism and good cough drops. Anyhow, we shared a few points on why I'm not a republican, and it was good. Point being, my former opinion that Marwil was all about my doom has been dismissed. Yay ME!

Note: About Sean Connery Day pictures, I'm working on them. Where are they? Well, they're on my desktop...anyhow, look back to the Sean Connery Day entry, cuz that's where they'll end up.

So...fuckin' A yeah. I'm ever-so-slightly up on my homework, and the cancellation of my history discussion sure as hell helped. I'm taking this hour to do some homework for tonight, as so I may do my time @ the writing center tonight with ease.

God bless Thursdays. I love them so because they directly preceed Fridays.



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