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May 18, 2005 - 3:52 pm

I have been having issues with updating for the last month. Bear with me, I'll catch you up. Soon...ish.

Update: So the reason I wasn't able to update was issues with my computer and Diaryland and all that jazz, so I tried and tried and tried to upload an update that's been sitting on my computer since late late April, but to no avail. Here it is: please understand that all info in it is almost a month old. So it goes.

Damnit. I wrote a good entry and it got trashed by Diaryland. F that noise.

Here's a recap-I've busted ass and finished all my schoolwork for the remainder of my undergrad career. I'm putting Ol' Blue out to pasture and replacing her with a sexier, newer economy car. I've worked myself into a sickness, and Booker's clears the sinuses.

Also, two things of note from last night:

Shelly: (after noting the ridiculousness of Susan's addition of "wangles" to the scrabble board) "I went on vacation to Mexico once, and when I got back I had a case of wangles."

Kim: "Oh no! Don't cough! Pour some Tussin on it!"

Speaking of Kim, we're gonna have a sleepover tonight. Just us, and tents made out of blankets, and movies, and sleeping.




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