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May 21, 2005 - 3:20 pm

So here we go..."updating"...

Things that are new: I graduated.

Um, that's probably not it...but it's a big one. The ceremony was, well, boring. However, the party that followed was somewhere near ideal. hours upon hours of drinking and good food, Trivial Pursuit, the Family Guy, Walker clips, Beach Boys impressions, and fun. Yay me.

Oh yeah, new thing #2, I got a new car.

It was time to put ol' Blue out to pasture. She was broken into for the third time this year, so I gave up on 'er. Her presence in my parking lot was like a big sign to the suckass who kept stealing things from her. I found a newish Focus that some rich kid in Wyandotte wanted to get rid of so he could get a summer car. Karen took Blue off my hands, for reasons I can neither explain nor understand.

Anyhow, since then I've been working working working for the most part. The last two weeks have been kinda hellish on that front. I've been picking up extra shifts at da club because of all the special events that have littered the month, and it's been a little strenuous. Though I have made a little more money than usual, I have also been working twice as hard. And, though I've been putting off SSDAN work for the most part I've been subbing instead, which has meant a lot of 18-hour workdays with short naps in the middle.

Burning the candle at both ends and all that nonsense.

However, I can't say that life has been all work and no play. More accurately, life has been so much about work that all of my play time is pre-spent in nightly unwinding, necessary for sleep to occur. In other words, before I can go home and sleep for a few hours, I need to spend at least an hour sitting at da club and drinking until my mind slows down...which means less sleep, which means more stress, which necessitates more unwinding the next day, blah blah blah neverendingcycle.

Anyhow, today is a different sort of day. The last two weeks were kind of rough, but I have two days off from all jobs, which is more than enough time to kind of pull my shit together. Presently, the weather rocks and I've spent the afternoon watching reruns of the Family guy and eating cereal out of a mug, Megan-style. Tabi is having a dinner party later which I will attend with all sorts of glee, and in the meantime maybe I'll do a little shopping or something of that sort. The day is MINE!

Oh yeah, and I think I'm gonna learn to play drums. Jeff needs a new drummer for the Prize Patrol. I'm gonna give it a try.

Ypsilanti, are you ready to rock!?!?!



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