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May 23, 2005 - 3:15 pm

Source of frustration: people not doing their damned job, resulting in inconvenience and extra efforts on my part. Only an active frustration when I'm already ripe for crankiness.

Today has been all about making phone calls about requests that are at least a week old that have not been attended to...both resulted in me being told that, for whatever reason, my first request was lost.

It's like dealing with Comcast...I'm learning to completely distrust any customer service person as soon as the words "We'll get this taken care of" are formed by his or her forked tongue.

One mistake, on the part of my insurance company, might lead to me NOT getting a prorated refund which would have been somewhere near $100, while the other has caused over a week of lost sleep and frustration because of the constant water running out of my shower tap, 24 hours a day, no matter how tight the water handle is turned.

I MIGHT kill someone. But probably not. Instead I've chosen to use my "Bottling Rage" voice with people, which makes me sound less like a nagging bitch and more like a Jane Ordinary that might have been pushed too far and may or may not come into the office with a shotgun if her shit isn't taken care of, pronto!

In other news, the weather sucks right now, and will continue to suck until I am back into my 16-hour workdays, which will then cause sunshiney know, just to spite me.

Shit, stop me now. I'm starting to sound like everyone I hate.


Okay, new start:

In other news...

I wanna learn to play an instrument. Jeff's gonna teach me. I mentioned the drums and now I've somehow committed myself to taking Peden's place in their basement jam project, The Prize Patrol. It was that or re-beefing my spanish. Not to say that's out of the question...yet.



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