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May 26, 2005 - 2:25 pm

Things that kinda-sorta rock: 1)not getting a sub call on a really nice day. 2) Not getting a sub call the next day so you can stay home and play video games all day. Sweet. 3)Having friends like Nat, who enjoy enjoying things that are, for the most part, simple. Example: Today we shall get together to deep fry things. Later this week we shall drink on the railroad tracks. Also high on this list: Cameron. Kim. Sean (where'd he go?). Karen. Summer is good for these things.

Things that rank low on the list of things that rock: workin' for The woMan. I love my job at da club, but there have been many points of frustration in the last few weeks. In time, they will pass.

In other news: As must as I know that I don't quite want to commit to a contract right now and I DO really want a year to think things through, subbing is kind of a pain. SO much uncertainty. Jeebus. Also, I feel like I need to take advantage of this time and really push professional development. So I feel like I need to spend half of my day reading professional journals and working on my portfolio, but sometimes, especially reading the very best ones, the ones that are full of awesome lesson ideas and such, I feel like a eunich that's spend all of its day watching the hottest porn sticky money can buy. I mean, yeah, these are great ideas, but who am I kidding, I'll never get a chance to use them until I have my own room and can actually establish myself a little bit.


Also, a TMI moment for you all: I'm in the first month of a new form of birth control, and the physical result has been painful, painful boobies. In general, my hormones are a mess, overlapped with my old birth control and with the changes and all this, OWIE. They're kinda swollen and sore and if being pregnant is anything like this sign me up for adoption STAT. Jeff's dog jumped on my chest the other night and I almost cried.

So, yeah. My breasticles hurt.

Anyhow, things are starting to wind down and that's so F'ing cool. Now all I have to do is reconnect with all of the friends that I've been neglecting for the last few months and let the general public know that I'm now available to-*gasp*-hang out on occasion.

You heard it here first.

It's the dawning of a brand new era!



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