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May 07, 2003 - 10:53 am


My plans to camp out in the fishbowl (esoteric Uspeak for �bigass computer lab�) and get at least some of the work done that I�d been putting off since the office was packed up. This whole �not having a homebase on campus� thing is seriously fucking with my chi. If they don�t finish moving shit SOON I think I might spontaneously combust, or at least spatially disperse throughout the universe. I�m not sure that image will make sense to anyone else but me...anyhow...

Usually, this is the hottest place on campus. Wait a second, hipsters. Don�t grab your programming pants just yet, that�s not what I mean. There are a fuckuva lotta computers in this space, and normally, about one student per computer (occasionally more). Between body heat and the temps from these machines, even in the winter this is a nice tank top environment. Expecting to be here for most of the day, I dressed for it. Well, it�s fucking freezing in here. Since there are about 1/6th as many students on campus right now, and it�s pre-noon, this join just ain�t jumpin� like normal, and the end result is a number of five-minute breaks to warm my hands between my knees.

I think I�m gonna hop on outta here. This beast of a machine has stiff keys and lotsa little idiosyncrasies that are impeding on my workering. I�m gonna try to find some other place on campus, or perhaps go home and work there until 3. One way or another, I intend to blow this popsicle stand like nobody�s business, and hope that the movers get their asses in gear as so I can get back in my normal groove.



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