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May 08, 2003 - 5:47 pm

So I have this momentum things, see?

For example, if I don't focus on work for almost a week because of, say, moving, it's kinda difficult for me to focus again. So you get days like today, where Megan prefers to just unpack boxes and figures she'll do "real" work starting tomorrow morning.

Always tomorrow morning.

I have all of this stuff that I'm on the verge of finishing, always a day or two late. I really feel like I need to intake enough coffee or something to get it all done so I can resume at a leisurely pace. That would help, I believe.

I also wish Martel would tell me what in the hell is going on. In general, she's much less, well, around than she was a while ago. She doesn't come to visit as often, and when she does, it seems she's really ready to get back to where she was before. I understand, she's in "new couple mode" and all, but it's troublesome because a) It makes me feel like I'm pushing her to even move down here, or hang out, or do anything BUT hang out with her new boy. One of the worst feelings is having a friend of yours do something they don't want to becuase they worry you'll be mad at them otherwise, and find out after the fact. It makes me feel like a damned fascist bitch. Oh, yeah, so I should prolly follow "a" up with "b", eh? So, b) I feel responsible for the whole situation, like I have to explain everything to Stacey FOR Martel. For example, if Martel were to not move for another month, I would end up having to explain that to Stacey, or if she somehow just couldn't move down at all, I would get stuck explaining and somehow it would almost reflect on me? What? Yeah, that makes no sense, but sometimes I get stuck in things like that. (ex. all things Kim that also concerned Stacey Jane)

Anyhow, every day is an adventure, right? You learn something new every day, and the lesson for today is: Avoid panther bites, stay out of the jungle.

Take it from me, kids. Pantherbite free in 2003!

Anyhow, tonight is the night for...(now I'm sure you would all like for me to say "love". Hell, so would I.) HOMEWORK! So off I go. Don't wait up.



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