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May 10, 2003 - 11:00 am

Last night we made a two-hour pilgrimage to find a copy of the Matrix for our movie night. It was well worth it.

The Matrix was such a good movie. Matrix: Reloaded should be so fucking brilliant.

Why in the hell is Keanu Reeves such a bad actor?

The end result was Megan not getting to bed until too-fucking-late o'clock. Didn't wake up until 2:00pm today. Usually, my body will wake me up by 11am no matter what, but I guess I'm slowly but surely getting lazier again.

Anyhow, I got some workering to do today if I wanna fill my pockets with mad cheddah, yo. If I move my booty as it should be moved, I might even get some Megantime tonight!



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