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February 23, 2003 - 9:21 pm

So that stuff I said about nice weather? Yeah, shit on me for not knocking on wood. Last night we got a snowstorm full of God's Fury. It took me an hour and a half to drive from my sister's house to Jim's party. The very subtle fishtailing my car was doing was a sly reminder from God that he could take me at any damned time, as my steering wheel was nothing more than a conveniently-placed Oh-Shit grip.

As a result, the party was sparsely populated at best. However, it did contain Sean, Jack Daniels, "Salami Chicken", Matt, and Metropolis. Between these things and many others, I had a good time. At the end of the night Sean and I nested in the world's largest beanbag in a blissful, e-like state.

I'm completely enjoying this "spring break" business. Although I have been busy as shit this weekend, and spent much of today working, the fact that I got to come home and just watch TV made it all worth it.

Stacey's making me watch the Grammys. Grammy's law #1: If you perform, you WILL win a Grammy. Anyhow, the New York Philharmonic did a little number from West Side Story, and then joined Coldplay for an absolutely mindblowing version of Politik. That was goodness. On the other hand, we flipped back just in time to see Fred Durst make his anti-war statement (all you following along at home, this is the cue to finish your drink). Jeezus Beezus that guy is such a pud.

Tomorrow Martel is coming down to see a Dar Williams show in Birmingham. I predict shenanigans with an 80% chance of mild tomfoolery.



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