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February 21, 2003 - 4:44 pm

What a fuckin' A of a day!

Today is a day for walks, good weather, Italian food, and spending money.

So I woke up all happy-like, because a)I have much more fun than non-fun planned for the next few days, and a bit of free time, too, C)my exams are over, so every day is a good day to be alive, 4)The weather is beautiful and so is my haircut.

So it's about 8:15 am and who should call but good old Mike Haney to say that he had no intentions of goign in at 9 today. Fine with me. Since I didn't have to pick him up, I also decided to go in a little later. I sat down and watched TV for a while, yay me. When I finally did leave my house, the sun had a better grasp of the morning, and it was a nice 40 degrees or so outside. I threw in some Less Than Jake, turned it up, and sang along the whole way to work.

Even when I got to campus, I was still in a kickass mood. Ran into Max in the parking structure, and we discussed how happy the morning was. I was downright BURSTING with happy. I wanted to hug Jesus this morning, kids. It was proof of just how bipolar I really am.

I forgot stuff in my car, but I didn't care. I just went back up to get it with a goofy grin on my face. Ran into more people, yay me. When I finally finished talking with folk and forgetting things in my glovebox, I set out to accomplish anything that would require a walk. I grabbed my discman and all the necessary items, and spent a good 45 minutes running various errands. Damn did it feel good. I got a lot accomplished, and the fresh air kissed my pants with happiness.

I went to the bank to make a deposit (yay payday!) and realized I have more money than I thought I did. I fixed this straightaway buy stopping on State street on the way back and blowing a lot of cash on some well-deserved and needed clothes.

Othermegan and I got lunch @ Cottage Inn, cuz we're those kinda hoes. Since, work has been a better place.

Not sure what else to say about today. Got a lot more to do, and not too much time to do it, but I'm feelin' groovy and know that my evening will end not in fire, nor ice, but in martinis.



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