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February 20, 2003 - 5:11 pm

Definitely feeling better than yesterday. Only had one exam today, and I prolly didn't rock it as much as I would have liked to, but the fact that it was over by 10am gave me a large opportunity to recover.

Weather today = fantastic. Sunny as all getup and 45 degree means it's almost like spring outside. Scarves are unnecessary and coats can be unbuttoned.

Was very productive at work. Good times. Went by Cookie's after work to see about getting my proto-mullet tamed. She's on vacation so a girl named Shannon who gives cheaper haircuts took care of it for me. Being a woman of similarly thin hair, she was able to gimme a good cut. She convinced me to go take it all off (and by, it all, I mean about 5 inches of hair). There's something liberating about shedding hair, be it by shaving for the first time in a week, or by getting a ton of it cut off for $40 of goodness.

Jim's coming into town. He says he owes me three soda pops, and wants to pay up. I say go for it. I'm done working for now.

In case you can't tell, my brain is all sorts of blown out. Hey, it may be a blown out old whore, but at least it's not screaming hate at me anymore.



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