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February 19, 2003 - 4:17 pm

I R not smrt.

In fact, I R stoopid and clumsy and can't dress good. I have a big fat head and my mother never loved me. I'm smelly and can't remember anything.

I boned my exams today. All three of them. Well, at least two of them. I know I didn't ace the third, but I guess relative to the others, I should be happy. My shakespeare exam handed me my own ass, then I rambled like a drunken monkey through my first history exam. I actually apologized when I turned it in.

What's worse: I have another one bright and early tomorrow. Then I have to turn in my research prospectus. I started on it already, and thus far it's a flaming pile of shit. But hey, am I capable of anything but...really?

So...I'm a big ball of pathetic today. I'm filled with self pity, and at the same time, self loathing. If anyone reading this has the misfortune to encounter me today, please accept my apology, and while you're at it, shoot me in the foot.



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