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May 25, 2003 - 3:15 pm

So I'm sitting here at work, eating M&M's and drinking diet Pepsi.

...And laughing at myself.

In my own defense, I maintain that the diet Pepsi is not an effort to "balance" the M&M's, but a newfound craving for nutrasweet that will surely be the death of me. As for the M&M's, well, I have this craving for small pieces of candy, either hard candy or chocolate, but the point was that they would be small and fun. The only thing of the like that closest vending monster was offering was a bag of "groovy" M&M's, which are, in reality, M&M's that were rolled around in piles of the crushed M&M shells of their fallen comrades. Anyhow, my oral fixation will be the death of my pants, that's for sure.

Thorne did me a great service the other day by sending me a link to a Texas radio station's recording of an OKGO show. It's pretty similar to the show I saw in Lansing, with "Austin" inserted in the "your town here" parts. Nonetheless, I was instantly re-won my the Les Mis bit, and then further pleased by a Violent Femmes cover that rocked my socks. God bless those kids.

So, what am I doing at work on Sunday, you may ask? The Sunday before Memorial day, no less? Well, kids. I'm here today, I'll be here tomorrow. Eric Dennis got it right when he quoted Loverboy in his away message, so I'll just refer to him and not bother with the shameful 80's flashback.

You see, this is the price of my spring schedule. Where I have no complaints about fitting all of my classtime into two days of the week, it also means that, combined with the usual spring hard-coredness of classes, missing class on Tuesday or Thursday is NOT an option, as even one class is three hours of information, or equivalent of missing class for a week in the fall. The end result is that more than 75% of my work week falls on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday. Between my trip to Stratford on Friday and Memorial day, just missing work would deprive me of half of my paycheck, and until my car insurance company REALIZES they can't fucking ADD and refunds me all the cash they've overcharged, I can't lose either of those days.

Which brings me here.

Did I mention that half the building is locked, depriving me of access to anything outside of our bay, such as the fax machine, the xerox machine, etc.? Well, it is. *shrug* On the other hand, I four computers, a pile of CD's and a lot of empty rolling chairs all to myself.



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