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May 26, 2003 - 10:32 am

It's no secret that I'm a big fan of holidays. I attribute this to a need for "special days" to break up the monotony that IS daily life. I'd make up holidays if I could. Hell, what am I talking about. I DO make up holidays. Anyhow, I love a reason to do something different, a reason to throw a party or make a cake.

And sometimes, just sometimes, the holiday has some meaning. Sometimes.

*Bear with me..*

Of course, the sick thing about people nowadays is that we have commercialized holidays so much that, like vampires, we have sucked the lifeblood of meaning from them. many holidays do we celebrate the meaning of more than the icons? The 4th of July? What's more important, taking time to consider the Revolution, or decorating everything in red, white, and blue, putting up your flag, and having a barbecue? I'm not even going to start on Christmas.

And Memorial day? If it weren't for the name, I wonder how many of us would have no idea what it was for? Labor day is no better.

Don't get me wrong, I love barbecues and would have no problem celebrating EVERY warm weather holiday with one. In fact, I don't really care too much about the meaning of holidays, myself. I was just pointing out what people complain about endlessly around Valentine's Day and Christmas, because Memorial Day is a special example of a holiday that is celebrated in a way that (in my opinion) has NOTHING to do with its original meaning.

Though this might not make sense to anyone but myself, but I'm suddenly reminded of something Dave Foley said in that Kids In the Hall show I saw:

"If you stop waving your flags, the terrorists have won"

Anyhow, I'm at work right now, wishing I wasn't. Honestly, I prolly would have tried to justify staying home today, if it weren't for the fact that, unlike last year, nobody really seemed to have anything going on today. I haven't really heard from anyone, so instead of sitting at home, playing video games and hoping someone calls with news of a barbecue, I might as well be here, as well I should, making mad cheddah, right?

Also, here I can play Impact radio, which always makes my day better. Today is no exception.



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