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May 28, 2003 - 10:16 am

Sometimes things make me laugh for much longer than they should.

Yesterday we were talking about the feminist movement in one of my classes, and the teacher commented that a subject like that usually forced many men to be quiet, and some women, too. That made me think of honors English adn the two (later three) boys who had to endure the feminist undertones of that class. It also made me think of the time we were watching "Elizabeth," and the scene came up where Cate Blanchett is relieving Richard Attenborough (also of Jurassic Park fame) of his duties at court, and one of my beautiful classmates cried out "I just wanted to create a court with DINOSAURS in it!"

It was funny. But should it STILL be funny? Well, it still is.

Another example is the inescapable laughter I experience every time I think of Stacey's brother and the "MIKE LOZON, I KNOW HIM!" story. *giggles*

The only explanation I can give is that I am so easily amused, just REMEMBERING how amused I was at one time seems to be enough to bring on peals of laughter, especially when I'm alone.

I just realized today that the Mac we've had for about two years can play DVDs. This will revolutionize the way I entertain myself as I work!

Oh, and another thing...Another simple thing that amuses me is just HOW people find this site. It seems two people found their way here yesterday by doing searches for "My roommate is a fucking idiot" (which, surprisingly enough, is found nowhere in my entries, but my april 22 entry DOES contain all of those words) and "2003 biker bitch". *more giggles*



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