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June 04, 2003 - 9:56 am

Wow, it's been a while. The funny thing is, I've actually had shit to write about, too. So unlike days when I'm so bored I have ample time to write an entry about the nothing I'm experiencing, lately I've had no time to write about everything going on, cuz I've been there, doing that, etc. So, since I don't have a list or anything handy, let's go about this like a response to a Drew email or something, a'ight?

Classes are going along swimmingly. Keeping me more than busy, but I'm proud to report that I'm acing everything so far. Dare I dream of my first 4.0 semester (even if it is only a half)?

And the source of my business...workering. Yes, my babies, the workshops, are just days away. The weekend after next we'll receive our first throng of sociologists, tag them, and track them for a weekend. In my opinion, things are going much better this summer. Melanie and I are rocking socks on this planning business. Nonetheless, spare time has been a little lacking lately. I've been doing strange things, like "working through lunch" and "staying late" and "coming in early"...things SSDAN employees rarely have to do. Whatever, fuck all y'all, workshops are kinda fun.

Last Thursday was the suckiest suck to ever suck a suck. In the hour and a half between getting in my car to go pick up Mike and entering my first midterm, two things happened to ensure my weekend plans would be altered for better or worse.

First, Blue sent me a little "I miss BRIAN!" (Brian is my mechanic, mind you) note in the form of a lit Check Engine light. So I took her in, only to find out that my O2 sensor (suspect since that strange cold weather bucking started last winter, but nevertheless remaining unfixed due to reasonable doubt) had bitten shit and needed a lot of my money to get better. Figuring that I was supposed to take this car into the depths of God's country with my sister the next day, I begged and pleaded with them to fix it fast, no matter the price. Of course, they did (Yay NAPA on Hoover!), and all disasters were averted.

Well, not all.

So my sister calls me as I'm doing my last minute cramming to inform me that, sorry as she is, she can't go to Stratford. Of course, this is 24 HOURS before we're supposed to leave. I've already paid for tickets and a hotel and there was no way I was going alone. How in the hell was I supposed to find someone on Thursday afternoon that just happened to have the cash and the spare time to go to Stratford Friday morning?

Ah...Tabi! My savior.

So, having talked all that talk about what led up to the trip, I'll refer you back to my first trip to Stratford, last August, because this one was pretty damned similar. We didn't take as many pictures, and the ones we did take Tabi has, as we used her camera, and hell...should I really TRY to pretend I'll get them up here? No, I won't. It's true. (*points to Sean Connery Day as a glaring example*)

Anyhow, it was good times but I was glad to be back in Michigan, even after only a day. The play was good, and I will never cease to be amazed by Canadian highways, candy, and money. God's country, I say.

Anyhow, back to work. *whipcrack* COMING!



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