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June 05, 2003 - 5:57 pm

My coworker came back from a monthlong series of worldwide shenanigan with Dutch chocolates for the office.

In an office that is, for the better part of the workday, dominated by females, is it really a good idea to bring us BOXES of chocolate?

I say no.

Anyhow, Stacey's making me mashed potatoes and meat tonight. I only say MEAT because I don't remember much more than the "mashed potatoes" part...I often lose concentration upon mention of complex carbohydrates, starches, and other things that are bad for the pants of this recently inactive girl.

Work-related rant (feel free to skip): Damned ASA people are responding to our questions with all the speed of a ReadyCare at 11 o'clock at night. This whole "Yeah, I'm gonna want that by Monday" note from last week was somehow construed as "why don't you go ahead and send things one at a time throughout the week, not giving me the last versions of the really important stuff until about a week later, cuz I WANT to work overtime every day next week, K? Okay, so it's not that bad, but fucking A, I was supposed to be done by now, and now it's Wednesday and I'm sitting here with very little else to do because I don't have the documents, or answers on whether I need new documents at all.

Sub-rant: Recent theme in my life = not getting my mail. Email issues, the non-appearance of one package at home, and the complete absence of the articles the ASA says they've sent...ack! Label me annoyed.

Last night I went to put my laundry away and ended up cleaning my room and making a battle plan for the rest of the conquest. I don't know what my obsession is lately with cleaning and beautifying my home. Perhaps it's the realization that I will be living there for god knows how much longer. *shrug*

5 more days 'til new Radiohead.



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