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January 01, 2005 - 2:34 pm

Merry New Year!

For the first time in about 8 years, I did not host/attend a New Years part last night. Boo to me. I had to work.

This meant serving beer, wine, and martinis to overdressed people while watching a really cool band led by an Albert Finney lookalike who was hiding vodka in the waitstation. It also meant getting to drink on the job, yoinking lotsa good food, a cranky bartendrix, and a drunken boss. Oh yeah, and lotsa party schwag.

Did I mention that I spilled a whole glass of chardonnay on some old dude? Yeah, I did. He didn't care, though.

I did, however, make an assload of cash. This is a good thing. As much as I love my job, it's wearing on me, and this whole "money" thing is making is a lot easier to deal with.

Today I have the day off. Yay me. I'm heading out to my sister's house soon to eat pizza and cake and give my nephew his birthday present. In the meantime, I'm listening to the Royal Tennenbaums soundtrack and wishing my toes were warmer. Meh.

The holidays are officially over, kids. Mike leaves for Cali tomorrow, and Stacey has started making deals re: taking down the decorations. It's time to actually put away all the random gifts that are lying around, make sense of things, and get all the shit done that I said I'd do two weeks ago.

And I've got until Wednesday to do it. :(

Things that suck: I am pretty sure I'm taking too many classes. Between that and new obligations at work I fear I might be in over my head. Also, I think I'm getting sick.

I think I might just suck at life.

In other news, among my many resolutions, I have vowed to stop neglecting the things I have neglected for the last few months-diaryland included. My goal is to maybe do something with the layout, and at least keep to a few updates a week. We'll see how I do with that.




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