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January 02, 2005 - 3:14 pm

Between my need to transition back to a studenty wardrobe and the 75% off clearance sales that follow New Years, I went out after breakfast to spend my holiday bonus on clothes. This meant I had to try on clothes, which meant getting naked in front of fitting room mirrors.

Ew. Gross.

Resolution # 2309: Tone up, flabby!

This has got to stop. I usually push myself away from weight gain by reminding myself that I can't afford new pants, but I'm sure I tricked myself out of it today by shopping while chubby. Damnit.

Enough about that.

So last night was Haney's last night in town. He was a wee bit bummin' on account of some personal stuff, mixed with how much he's going to miss all of the great people he calls friends here in Michigan, so drastic measures had to be taken to ensure fun. Since drinking had been a part of his every evening since arrival, we avoided liquid happiness. Instead we headed to Meijer and picked up the pop culture version of Trivial Pursuit. Good times.

Lots of laughter, lots of snacks, lots of ridicurous questions about nonsense. Yay us.

That's all I got. No game. No game at all.



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