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January 04, 2005 - 1:37 am

I am beginning to have second thoughts about my original parking plan. I thought that by renting a parking space near campus but far from work, I would make myself do some walking. I also thought that by popping the extra cheddah for a garage spot, I would save some effort. I am now noticing unforseen disadvantages to these two decisions. At this time, however, I'll only comment on the first:

As I left work this evening, a young man stopped me. The way he made eye contact, started to walk past me, but then stopped me made me think he was perhaps lost or something. Nope, he just wanted to buy my panties.

Yup, you read that right. His one and only line was something like "Hi, I'm in a frat. Would you mind selling me your panties?"

I took a minute to stare at him, and then put my expression into words.

"You're fucking kidding me, right?"

His only response-I shit you negative-was "I'm in a frat" as if that just explained everything.


After a minute of not knowing what in the fuck to say (I mean, really...are YOU prepared for a situation like this?) I pointed out that if he was, in fact, part of a frat, all he had to do was throw a party, drug a drink, then steal the panties of the girl he chose to rape. I didn't quite give him a chance to respond, but I'm sure he would have reiterated that he was, in fact, in a frat.

True story, kidds.



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