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January 17, 2005 - 4:23 pm

Shit, I've been slipping on this "updating" business. Sorry.

And on with the show!

Holy Jeebus it is COLD outside. I realized how stupid it was for me to leave the house without a hat when I put my cell phone to my ear and experienced extreme pain. I made a quick jaunt into Sam's to boy a cheap hat from Peterman. We talked about how creepy Keith Hafner is and how his son is a complete douche. Heh.

Anyhow, I'm currently at the ERC on Main street because the State street ERC had absolutely no seats available. I mean none. I tried looking around with big wide eyes and my hands outstretched like a Dickensian orphan, but my efforts were met with hostility from the "haves" who didn't appreciate "have-nots" in their fine establishment, and consequently kicked me and spit on me. No bread, no chair, no wireless interenet access for me.

It was comparably busy at this location, but there were a few seats open, and the only one near an electrical outlet is also on the "stage" area, so I'm sitting approximately 1' above the rest of the patrons. It feels like I'm looking down on my kingdom.

I will reign with cold steel and an iron fist! The streets will flow with the blood of non-believers! I will have MORE coffee!



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