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January 24, 2005 - 9:57 pm

Homework homework homework. To tell you the truth, I'm getting sick of it. I call quitsies.

Methinks I'm gonna go ahead and not write my 313 paper...just because I have that option and hell, I can't think of anything to write anyhow. Last time I chose to sally forth in such a situation, it took six (count 'em, 6) hours out of my day.

This weekend has been the weekend of running into people from school. I ran into my 313 GSI two or three times, a kid from my 391 class a few times, and I'm sure I saw more than a handful of coworkers and classmates in my ventures. Small world, I say.

On a similar note, I made a new bestest friend/twin/father of my children/nemesis Saturday while waiting for my shift to reach a conclusion. I acquired good memories of fun conversation, the knowledge that my car can ROCK some snowy roads, and a poem, which I will (in spite of my official rights to it) attempt permission to publish. As a peddler of alcohol, I think it's fitting that I should also be a muse/patron saint of poetry, no? The catholic school they name after me will be called "Our Lady of Perpetual Intoxication and Illustions of Grandeur

Other things of note: My parking spot was such a horrid, horrid idea. This snow is only furthering my security in that opinion. Also, this weather? WTF, mate? I almost hit an old lady the other night, out of spite. THat's what she gets for walking in the road. If she doesn't like the state of the sidewalks, that's where snow shovels come in.

STOP. Breathe in calm, breathe out cranky. RESUME.

Last but not least: After many many hours without food, I ate my dinner too fast, and consequently feel sick. It was suggested in jest that I purge myself of the aforementioned foodstuffs. Oh, how I wish I had such an ability. I'm gonna go lay down, read, and cry. :(



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