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April 30, 2003 - 5:15 pm

Spent the day packing up the good ship SSDAN. What a long, strange trip it's been.

SSDAN has been in this office for four years. It was here when I started, and there's no one here (save my boss) who's been at the project longer than I to say I won't enjoy our new office (1.5 times the space, babycakes!) and that whole "Top of the I" business. We packed 90% of this place up in less than 7 hours. We roxor!

End result: I'm fucking beat. On the other hand, were I to decide I didn't need money, I could take the next week or so off of work. There's little I can do at this point. I've set aside a few things I can do from home or from the fishbowl, and I can work in the office tomorrow still (computers will still be up, though everything else is packed. I'm gonna try to find shit to do to fill up tomorrow and at least half of Friday (taking a whole day off would be the killing blow to my paycheck). I WILL take Monday off, just because there's NOTHING to do then. Then on Tuesday I'll start coming in to unpack. Jeez, I'd rather tear my own eyes out than untangle the mess that IS all of those boxes.

Found my application from August of 2000. How, oh how, did that catch ole Bill's eye? Craziness.



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