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April 28, 2003 - 4:54 pm

Why I'm in a good mood right now:

To begin, I've been checking wolverine access obsessively, looking for my grades. They're due X hours after the last exam, but almost all professors wait until the last minute (even if that IS a week and a half after the final test is handed in) so the registrar's office is swamped and it takes days, sometimes weeks to get grades online. We don't get printed report cards or any of that shit, so this is the only way to find out how things went, unless your kickass professor will mail your final to you, or let you pick it up over the summer. Anyhow, long story short, I checked a few minutes ago and got my second grade: My first ever A+! Jeezy Creezy that's fantastic! My GPA rocks right now, if only I could get my other three classes to just NOT post my lesser grades...

Mike and I are getting our asses back into gear again. I've gone running a handful of times in the last four months, not nearly enough to qualify as being "physically fit" by any stretch. I think back to how well I was doing 6 months ago, and I can't wait to be there again. It's that whole "not having any time" thing...but that is GONE, I tell you, GONE!

I spent the weekend doing things for Megan, part relaxicating, part errands, etc., but the point is that I didn't have a lick of homework to do, and I really liked that. NOTE: In that relaxicating time, I went to see Identity. I cannot say enough good shit about this film.

The weather outside = awesome. I'm wearing a light skirt, a tank top, and sandals, and I have taken about a million walks today because it's just too nice to spend the day inside.

Yesterday I started the first recreational reading project of the last four months. I grabbed my copy of House of Leaves that I bought in FEBRUARY 2002, and finally gave it some attention. Let's hope this one goes faster than the last one, eh?

So for these reasons and many others, I'm in a spectacular mood. Spread the joy, kids. Make out with life and all that. Drive with your windows down, eat your fries with chili and cheese, and for the love of christ ENJOY!



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