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April 27, 2003 - 9:34 am

I was soooo sleepy...

Yesterday was home to both Peden's housewarming party and Othermegan's sangria celebration. I had promised to go to both, so I showed up @ Peden's the earliest I could, which happened to be about an hour and a half before anybody else. Quite the party. Unfortunately, by the time people finally did show (they were coming in from Kalamazoo), it was time for me to hop it to Othermegan's for fruity goodness.

Note: This is why I'm cool. Peden's housewarming gift? An ice-cold 40oz of Colt 45, Billy Dee Williams APPROVED!

So Megan's shenanigans were good times. More and more people showed, and even though I only knew her and Ben (her boyfriend) when I showed, people were quick to make conversation, as we were occupying a living room roughly the size of the bed of a small truck. Nonetheless, I *heart* sangria, and everyone I met last night was very much worth knowing. I was tempted to run home and fall fast asleep in my bed (it was close to midnight) when Lauren called me.

Flashback to Monday...I'm eating dinner @ Ashley's with Lauren and somehow my bachelorette lifestyle becomes a topic of discussion. She decides she wants to help me find the ending to my own romantic comedy, and picks up her phone to scan some names. She then crosses over one (one of Holly's friends) and gives him a call, asking if he's single and then telling him her true intentions to fix see if she could that.

So back to Saturday night, when I'm listening to some kid tell many an entertaining story about how his childhood had a running theme of him being intimidated by animals, and just as his goat story ends, I get a phone call. I guess that kid is having a party, and Lauren wants me to go with them. I say what the hell and hop out, just to drive down the street a whole half mile, into a teeny apartment that I couldn't walk across w/out stepping on people. I met some neat people (though in retrospect, I'm not sure if I would have had more fun staying at Othermegan' was a close call), on my way out met That Guy Lauren was talking about, but by then I was too tired to be witty, so I apologized for hopping out so soon and told him it was my bedtime.

And it was. I came home and slept like a baby, and also had some weird dream about Chinese buffett gone horribly wrong. Hrm...

So I guess Stacey finally realized I know about the whole Jeff thing. OR she decided that it was time to come out with it anyway, cuz her note this morning, apologizing for not taping Law & Order also informed me that that's where she'll be this eve, with no lead in like "So, yeah...Jeff and I...", just "I'm going to Jeff's." One way or another, I'm glad that's over. Now if only everyone else would take her lead.



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