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April 23, 2005 - 3:26 pm

I reappear...again!

I've done it! For the first time in my college career I've busted ass to finish my finals early. I should have been done next Thursday, but through some significant ass-busting, I turned in my last undergraduate paper EVAR yesterday around noon.


I spent the rest of the day in a haze because a)holing up in the grad library and burning my candle at both ends kinda caused me to get sick, and b)for the first time in ages, I didn't have reading that I should be doing.

Usually, I respond to situations like this by treating myself somehow, but I avoided the inevitable book buying by going into two book stores, looking around, and talking myself out of spending more money. I did, however, enjoy the food and laissez-faire service philosophy of TK Wu for lunch. I did some reading and went to work in an awesome mood.

However, that whole "cold" thing reared its ugly head about two hours into my shift, when it got so bad that not only was I sneezing, coughing, and spending half my time washing my hands, but I just couldn't think. It took me three minutes to tally thid guy's bill because there was random change involved and that just fucked me all up. Susan tried her darndest to find someone to work for me, making calls and giving me her most sincere Saving Private Ryan "We're gonna get you outta here!"...but alas. When all seemed lost Dave W. offered to go get me medicine and between the Tussin and some really strong, sinus-clearing bourbon in my tea, I was back up to 90% in no time...and in the meantime I'd racked up some good sympathy tips from the happy hour crowd. Thank YOU, Hedgehog Rolling Rock dude. Your generosity will not be forgotten.



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