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June 17, 2003 - 3:16 pm

I cannot begin to express how much I NEEDED that day off yesterday. Instead of fucking off for half the day, I fucked off when I really needed it (Sunday night), went to bed Grandma late, and got up around my usual Monday morning time to spend the time I would have spent at work writing my paper.

Now, I know you're all on the edge of your seats asking yourself "Did it work?!?!"

Yes, it did.

Not only did I catch up for all of my fucking off on Saturday, but I actually typed half of the damned thing out. Now my only challenge is to finish typing it today, as so I may revise (as is direly needed) and annotate (which I ignored my first time through, cuz I suck and am lazy.

Hopefully, the end result will be a rockin' paper on feminine identity manifesting itself in the roles of 1960's female radicals, with women's lib excluded to avoid redundancy.

I know, sounds HOT, right?



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