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June 15, 2003 - 1:43 pm

In an hour and a half, the last participants will hop in a van and head to metro airport, never to be heard for...well, until they send me their spectacular modules.

I'm so tired I could cuddle up with a manure spreader right now.

On the other hand, things went well...we had some spectacular speakers and participants. We all had a favorite, it seems, and a least favorite. Well, fuck that...we just really disliked this one woman. She filled the void that the entire UCF faculty left when they bitched their way onto a plane this time last year. Anyhow, it was a good time overall, and it's over now. Yep, done. Once the last van has headed out, I'm gonna go home and take a nap...cuz there's no way I'm getting anything done with my brain this cloudy with sleepiness.

Oh yeah, and I'm taking tomorrow off. Eat me. I've got a paper to write.



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