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June 14, 2003 - 5:49 pm

Remember that episode of Saved By the Bell where Jessie was addicted to speed and she was in a group with Lisa and Kelly that was named "Hot Fudge Sunday" (If I remember correctly...though I'm definitely not willing to arm wrestle over it) and broke down in the middle of a song, singing "I'm so excited...I'm so...I'm so...tired!" *tears*?

Well, I do. Fuck you.

It's workshop time again. I think it's a hard concept for most to understand, because my job has more lenient hours than, say, Stacey's, and doesn't normally have the grueling schedule of the Outrage boys, that I might HAVE to work 14 hour days for these two weekends, and still maintain my normal workweek schedule (and right now, school) on top of that. Well, that's the crazy thing about this's prolly the first one I've ever had where responsibility follows you around far past your scheduled work hours, forcing you to stay late if something isn't done, or to come in on a day off if something goes haywire. Usually, this is a non-issue, since I'm available almost more than I'm needed, and often have to take on extra tasks just to earn my paycheck. In June, however, we have these badass workshops and it's a hassle and almost everyone works more than usual, and more importantly, if you have any real investment in them (planning or substance-wise), it means working almost entire time they're going on (which is an all-day, meaning 14 hour, ordeal). I was cool enough to get today mostly off, but some people here aren't so lucky.

So for the last three days I've worked hellacious hours, going to work at 9am and not getting home until after 11pm, sleeping, then going back. Today I got some time to go write my radicalism paper, which, of course, I didn't get a fuckuva lot done on. Don't get me wrong, actually kinda fun. The participants are usually good people, there are a lot of free, good meals, it's a great coupla paychecks, and most people aren't necessarily on the run all day. But at the same time, it's stressful and the hours are long. I think if they lasted any longer than they already do, I'd go nuts. Hell, my cranky light's gone off a few times already.

Anyhow, I got a massive headache earlier that halted my paper-writing process, so I came in to work to see if I could waste some time before the happens I could. I've done two crosswords, visited a few websites, and now I'm writing a journal entry, all of which is taking time I'll wish I hadn't wasted when I'm finishing my paper at 1am on Thursday morning.

In the meantime, I have a banquet to attend. Free food for me!



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