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February 01, 2005 - 11:58 pm

And now we bring you, "One more way to put off homework!"

So last Sunday I went to my sister's to attend a belated birthday party for my oldest nephew. I'll skip tales of the usual family drama, but will tell you that I got Christmas presents from my older brother, that had been shipped to my sister's house.

When I got home, I was confronted with two more reasons to love my brother bunches and bunches: a 3-in-1 laser point/LED light/pen, and a camouflage shirt that says "HA! Now you can't see me!"

In other news, I've been carrying around my comp book in hopes that I won't have another day like Saturday, where I was smothered with poetic ideas but without any means of recording them. Of course, carrying that book will solve this problem, but only by ensuring that I will not have a single poetic notion for the entirety of it's tenure in my backpack.

Well, them's the breaks. Bah-to the-humbug, kidds.



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