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March 17, 2003 - 12:32 pm

So today�s St. Patty�s Day and all that happy business. First off, I�d like to say that I enjoy this day, but only because it�s a holiday and�(all together now!) *everyone*�


One reason I love this day is because it�s somehow okay to drink at all hours. When we went out Saturday, Lauren told me she planned on lining up at Connor O�Neil�s when they opened (8am, kids! It seems you need to get an early start on drinking these days!), and told me that she�d pick me up if I�d like to join her. I considered it.

Here�s the thing that ruins this holiday for me: Whiskey and beer. I�m not too fond of either. The only beer I�ve found that I like is Dutch, and therefore doesn�t count. As for whiskey, however�I only really enjoy it mixed, and damnit, that�s just not acceptable on the Irishest of all holidays. What I�m saying is that my drinking habits just aren�t Irish enough, and therefore I shouldn�t be lining up at 8am for a green beer.

I am, however, planning on going to the bar at lunch with Peden and Tabi. I�ll take down an Irish coffee or an Irish Car bomb�something with Irish in the title to make me feel festive.

Speaking of festive Irish things, when we went out Saturday I took a look at the special FESTIVE menu ABC had put in with their food. I ordered an Irish sundae and found GOD in ice cream. I mean, all in all it seems like nothing special, but they had fucking Bailey�s and Cr�me de cocoa in it! It was so tasty I drank the melted stuff at the bottom. I R an EATER!

On another note: This whole �reveling in stereotypes� business is fun and all, but sometimes I think I�m too liberal with it. I tend to assume everyone knows I�m joking, and will find the absurd humor in my assumptions. I probably shouldn�t do this. Yesterday, completely high on punk rock, speeding, and sunshine, I came home from work to find that my house was incredibly too quiet for my liking. I hopped online and made merry w/my aim buddy list. For whatever reason, I thought it would be a good idea to IM Alan, somehow forgetting that I CANNOT talk to him without hearing about a)what an incredibly busy, hardworking person he is, or b)his theater major (at the illustrious LCC) and how much work it is for him. Since I�d just gotten home from my SECOND job, my sympathy was limited but my good spirit was not. When he complained that he had six times as many lines to memorize for Monday as others, I suggested he go to his professors, show them his red hair, take a bite of a �potatah� and tell them he wasn�t doing SHIT on Monday, as it was St. Patty�s Day. He commented that they expected him to be available for anything at the drop of a hat, and I asked if anything meant �showing them the location of a pot o� gold.� I�m a dick. He got real monosyllabic on me, which was prolly a sign that he wasn�t taking as much pleasure from my wit as I was, so I decided to lay off and take a shower (as to wash the essence of slave labor from my body).

Happy holiday you fuckin' drunkSCH!



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