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March 18, 2003 - 5:58 pm

I'd just like to take a moment to separate myself from everyone who doesn't agree with me by saying that I am currently ashamed of being an American. Dubya's stupid careerist war aims have convinced me that, were I in another country, I would lie and tell everyone I was a Canadian. Yup, a fucking canuck. I'd be proud, too, because at least their prime minister isn't a dope smoking cowboy with a hardon for domination. I swear the next message he sends to Saddam is going to be "We're warning you, that if you dare counter-attack, we will kill ALL of your nation's puppies. So, if you have any soul, please think of the puppies and sit quietly while we invade your lands." Okay, so, I think I've pretty much taken my stance on that. Rant over. On with the good (? At least better) stuff...

Listening to Ben Folds Live right now. Thanks Wicker!

So the other day I was going to write about seasons and metamorphoses, since it was on my mind and I had an excellent conversation with my beloved sister about it. You see, I love spring. I love it so much I could just roll around in it until I die. I *heart* it. It�s absolutely my favorite time of the year. Still, I don�t know what I�d do if I lived somewhere that had no distinct seasons. When I visited Lauren in Monterey last summer, I didn�t mind the weather, but I knew that a full year of 60-degree weather would drive me insane. As much as I hate winter, I�d rather chip my car from a block of ice than never notice that it was December.

I need seasons. My perfect weather would be 90 degrees (max) in the summertime, and a cool 55 all winter. Of course, I�ve committed myself to Michigan for the next god knows how many years, so I just bundle up every winter and brace myself for the wild ride that brings, among other things, the Holidays.

Spring and fall are my favorite seasons, hands down. Part of that is because they�re transitory and offer mild weather. Also, both of them bring a need for change. In spring, I feel so galvanized to change my life for the better. Spring is usually when I find myself setting goals and fixing old habits. I feel very in control of my life. I think that part of this is because I know I�ve made it through winter and now have summer coming as my reward, and for reasons unexplored, I associate summer with freedom. Fall also excites me, but I feel less in control of things. I am also looking forward to change, but feel more like these changes are ones that come whether I�m ready or not. A new school year, sometimes new lodging, things like this. They�re changes I have to adapt to, but I always enter fall ready to go, to take whatever they throw at me. My theory on this is that I see winter as something I must endure, in which I have no choice or control.

So�I�m not sure if any of that makes sense, but I�m getting super geeked about summer. I�m already counting down the weeks and looking at my classes as a checklist of assignments I must do before I can leave (which produced an effect opposite of senioritis). So many GOOD things will come with the end of April and a few of the bad will cease. It�s like trading up. The end result is that I�m fucking giddy right now. WOOHOO!



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