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February 17, 2003 - 11:40 am

For Martel:

God I hate Martel! She's so dumb and ugly and annoying and I don't know why I hang out with her. I hate her. Hate Hate Hate. Everyone hates her. She's dumb and ugly and has a big fat stupid head.

I hate Martel.



Alright, back to business...

This is one tenacious fuck of a cough.

Try as I might, I can't seem to shake the very last of my cold. Friday I felt like crap, but after festivities (very limited) I ran by Meijer and bought fuckuvalota sickstuff. Saturday morning I woke up feeling like I didn't really need it. My head was still in need of an occasional tapping via my nostrils (which had them sore as mofacks), and I was still coughing my sick little heart out, but my energy was back to normal and I was feelin' FINE!

So, I had some people over for movies, fun, and malt liquor. Martel morphed instantly into Drunk Martel, as usually happens when she enters my apartment, and spent the rest of the evening accusing everyone of hating her. Overall a very good time.

Sunday marked the beginning of my shitweek. I have three, count 'em, THREE fucking exams on Wednesday. Blech. I REALLY do not feel sharp enough to intake all the necessary information to get good grades on all/any of them. Since I got sick I just feel like my brain's floating in Jell-O and that feeling hasn't really ceased. My attempts to study last night were bunk. When did I get all stoopid? I also have to write my damned prospectus for my SWC paper, those four writeups, etc. The only thing that rocks about all of this is that they lead me into spring break, so no matter how poorly I do on my exams, once they're over I have a week off. Yay me.

Today I enjoy lunch with Kim, do you? Be jealous.



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