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February 14, 2003 - 1:58 pm

Last night was another one of those "Bitch, you ain't gettin' any sleep! FOO!" nights. Every 45 minutes my sinuses would reach their maximum capacity and I'd wake up unable to breathe. This went on until 5:30am. Eventually, I gave up.

At least it gave me some relaxing time to spend making chocolates. Up until about 10am, I was really awake. Now, of course, I'm draggin' ass.

As of Tuesday, I was kinda worried because I had absolutely no plans for tonight. I mean, not having a date is something I can get through just fine, but hanging out, watching SVU, and sleeping on the couch wasn't my ideal Valentine's Day. Now, however, I'm being pulled in three different directions as for what to do. Scratch that, four.

My first priority was going to be Jayce's birthday, which would have made the other three impossible, but I really don't think I can handle a trek out to Lansing and back after two sleepless nights and a lot of sickness. Unless I feel absolutely splendid by 5, I'm gonna cancel. I'll take him out some time over break. Jim's having a party, which is a potentially rockin' time and all, but once again, the drive. Plus, the noise. And lastly, the stupid people. I asked him if he was going to invite any, and he could neither confirm nor deny it. In truth, many of Jim's acquaintances are good people, but in my current state, I just WILL NOT feel like making new friends, and with their turnouts, it seems like there are about 60 people, and I know 5, but three of them are hosts. Unless I'm feeling particularly charming, I will just sit somewhere and observe until someone strikes up a conversation. Blah. Anyhow, Mike invited me to go out w/him and other Outrage kids to see Daredevil after work. I think I can swing that, as there's little/no driving involved and it's quiet and low-energy. Brad invited me to hang w/him and some other people afterwards, but I dunno where or doing what, so we'll have to see. Chances are, tho, I'll just go home after the movie, watch SVU, and fall asleep on my couch.

So, once more with the rules I break. Rule # 2532: Fiona Apple's second album and Megan's love life do NOT mix. It's a really good album, girls and boys, but I notice I tend to pick it up now and then, listen to it frequently for about a week, then put it away for a while. Well, twice in the past I've been dumped during a time like this, so I tend to associate Megan getting dumped w/these songs. Admitted, I'm single and therefore risking nothing right now, but with Vday upon us and all, SOMETHING has to go wrong. Maybe all of my friends will stand me up or something, or I'll go to school naked and realize it is NOT a dream. I guess we'll see.



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