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February 13, 2003 - 5:47 am

It's five am and I really couldn't tell you if I've slept at all tonight. You see, lemme explain how Megan gets over colds. It's easy, see...You just buy a bottle or two of vicks 44E (whichever make best suits your symptoms. I'm a big fan of expectorant, myself). Then you buy a ginormous orange tub of MinuteMaid (Quality is essential, we're talking about my life here). Once you have purchased these two items, simply find a day when you have at least 6 non-sleep hours to waste. Get into your PJ's (the mismatched and uglier the better, just incase people come by to bring you more OJ), curl up on the couch with the OJ, the medicine, a blanket, a pillow and the remote control, and you're set...right?

Well here's the one kink in my panacea. You see, an important part of the intake of cough syrup is that you NOT measure out your doses, but simply tilt your head back, aim at your tonsils and "drink 'till you can taste it." That usually means about 1/4 to 1/3 of the bottle. Stuff yourself sick with OJ, and when you start to feel shitty again, repeat the step with the cough syrup. Since a lot of napping is involved, a minimum of six hours is needed, preferably followed by an in-house movie and then an early bedtime.

Yeah, really, about the kink now...So, about that kink. Yeah, so I realized just how sick I was when I was on campus yesterday. Wicker (nice guy he IS) walked back to his house to get his car to take me home, so I booked over to the white market to get cold-kickin' ingredients. They only thing they had w/expectorant (which at this time is direly necessary) was Robitussin. (NOTE: I hate Robitussin more than the Devil himself, but that's another story altogether) So I bought a bottle, and took it down pretty quickly after getting home. A few hours later, I checked my fridge to find an almost-full bottle of Vicks that must have been at least 8 months old. Anyhow, I took the two down and did a lotta restin'. Though I still looked/sounded like shit, I definitely felt better this morning.

Which brings us to today. Since I wasn't completely better, I had Mike run me by the Ghetto Grocery on the way home for some more SCHTUFF. Once more with the Robitussin (Hey, it worked last night, right?). So I lather, rinse, repeat, etc. for a while, and Stacey comes home. She notices the mass of cough syrup bottles in my wake and asks the very wise question of "Do they warn you not to exceed a certain dose?" As I shrug it off, remembering how well this has always worked in the past, I have a sudden flashback: Two years ago, Dave in a self-destructive cycle (what's new) and telling me of his new high, cough syrup. Certain brands, he says, contain a certain hallucinogen that really kicks the fuck in after a bottle or so. *Music from Psycho* I zone in on one of the Robitussin bottles and notice the big "DO NOT EXCEED 4 DOSES IN A 24 HOUR PERIOD". Whoops.

So that explains my rapid heartbeat and excessive shaking. Damnit! So yeah, I went to bed at 11, and have spent the last 6 hours laying there, w/my eyes closed, in that nice place before sleep, where you can still here everything adn feel everything, but you start to dream like a little movie projected on your eyelids. Tired as my brain kinda is, I can't fall asleep becuase I'm fucking TWITCHING! Bitches!

Oh yeah, another thing to note before I start sounding like that one kid in high school who had one beer and kept talking about how great it was to be "Wasted, man!"...Megan's body doesn't take well to stimulants. Coffee, it can handle. Hell, caffeine in pop, for some reason, doesn't really keep me up at all. But Caffeine pills, for example, put me in horrid states of suffering. So does Vicodin, for some reason. *scratches chin* So, yeah, Megan + Cold + Lotsa cough syrup w/antihistamines + pretty much no food = In a bad state. *flashback of the night before my last Shakespeare final was due, shudders*

So...I R not smrt. I got up to pee at 2am and I could SWEAR all of the brown spots in our carpet were bugs crawling. I fucking crawled off the john to check myself on this. Yeah, I was wrong. Go figure. I'm also having the oddest problem with my vision. My eyes will focus just fine, but they won't stay STILL long enough for me to read. *shrug* I just wonder how I'm gonna feel by 9am, when class starts.



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