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February 12, 2003 - 12:32 pm

I R not smrt.

This morning, after a rowdy night of sitting on my couch, I went ahead and got up at 7:30, instead of 8:30, completely forgetting that Mike was going to be picking me up close to ten this morning. I got ready and everything, THEN realized I was an hour early. Being the nerd I am, I just did some homework.

I could really use that sleep now.

Decided to suck it up and go to UHS today. Admitted, it's horrible health care, but the doc's time is free, which is much better than my uninsured ass can find anywhere else on this side of not having insurance. So after a five minute conversation, just as I was hoping to receive a nice big phat perscription for some cheap antibiotics, she hands me a pamphlet and circles the over-the-counter drugs I can buy.

What a waste of time. I want my amoxicillin!

Anyhow, it's so cold outside I could cry. What does this have to happen? I can't wait until it's over.



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