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February 11, 2003 - 9:15 pm

So, yeah...I'm sick.


Seriously, like this couldn't have waited one more day? The damned OKGO show was tonight, and I had to give my ticket away to Sean because I can't go. It hurts in my lungs, and that makes me actually worry, cuz I am SO not down with vital organs being affected by this business.

So yeah, I'm sick.

I'm gonna sit, read, sleep, down as much cough syrup and OJ as I can fit down my gaping maw. After the show, Sean, Lindsay and Martel will come back talking about what a great time they had. And I...well, I'll be wearing mismatched rockstar PJ's with messy hair, looking slightly delirious.

It's just the Robitussin talkin'.



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